News & Updates:

January 2025 Mercenary League
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For this months Mercenary League we will be taking on Route #19!
Corneria - Sector Y - Katina - Sector X -Sector Z - Area 6 - Venom 2

Doing well in this route will be dependent on your bomb management, so be careful where you spend them!
Don't forget, we are now accepting Starship submissions! Anyone who's interested in joining this month is welcome to use it to submit their scores.
Please check the rules page for additional information on submitting!
And as always, if you have any questions reach out to us on Discord!

Good Luck!
Mercenary League #5 Results (Dec 2024 - Route 23)
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Thank you to all that participated in December's Mercenary League.

Tune in Sunday, January 5th at 2PM EST to either Rakanai or safety_man for this month's route reveal.

We hope to see you all on the battlefield this month once again!
Starship - Centauri Alfa (PC Port) is here!!!!
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Harbor Master 64 1.0 release of Starship is now available for the general public! This is the PC Port of Star Fox 64 that has been worked on by the talented individuals on the Decomplication Team.

If you're looking to give this a try yourself, you can find it and installation instructions here:

Download Starship Here
Setup Instructions Here

For those of you looking to follow the project more closely, you can visit the Harbor Master 64 Discord here:

Harbor Master 64 Discord

And for those of you experiencing trouble with controllers not being recognized you can check out this tutorial, made by Livvydoodlez, that should alleviate some of those issues:

Livvy's Starship Controller Setup Tutorial

At this time, submissions are OPEN for Starship. Please check out the rules section for our current submission guidelines.

We hope to see you on the battlefield defending the Lylat System!
Mercenary League #5 is Upon Us
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This month, we are heading down a familiar road with Route #23!

Corneria > Sector Y > Aquas > Zoness > Macbeth > Area 6 > Venom 2.

Good luck to all, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
The new high score page is finished!!!!!

You can now compete against:


And more!

This was a huge upgrade, and now every route can now be competed against, as well as expert & single life!

You will notice some big changes to the website! You may now feel free to submit your scores under the new rulesets where everything will be recorded!

And don't worry, the old high score table is still there! So feel free to play and run the game however you want to!


Recent Submissions

Full Runs
Runner Score
Rakanai (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2334
safety_man (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2699
a10cj (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2443
a10cj (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2368
Caionintendo2 (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2756
Individual Levels
Runner Score
LylatR (Titania) 296
dsx__ (Area 6) 607
safety_man (Macbeth) 400
safety_man (Sector X) 405
Caionintendo2 (Zoness) 507
Single-Life Runs
Runner Score
Rakanai (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2334
safety_man (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2699
a10cj (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2443
a10cj (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2368
Caionintendo2 (CoSYAqZoMaBoV1) 2756