News & Updates:

Speedrun 2k% is here!
You can now post your 2k% speed runs here to hit+64! Have fun, and good luck!
Bootstraps is here!
Hit + 64's website has been remodeled to use bootstraps! Now you can access scores on the go! Any browser! Any device! You got it!
Welcome to Hit + 64!
Thank you for testing the alpha & beta testing of hit + 64!

I would proudly like to announce that the website is now live and fully functional! If you come across any bugs or issues, please feel free to contact me at!

You may feel free to submit your scores as there will be no database resetting at this time.

Remember, all scores that are submitted must be approved by an administrator or score run approver. If you are interested in becoming a score run approver for this website, please contact either Adamx0315, Rakanai, or Safety_man via discord.

Recent Submissions

Full Runs
Runner Score
StarFalco64 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 1844
adamX0315 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2600
safety_man (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2554
wordsayer19 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2182
Caionintendo2 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2616
Individual Levels
Runner Score
safety_man (Macbeth) 400
safety_man (Sector X) 405
Caionintendo2 (Zoness) 507
Caionintendo2 (Meteo) 593
Caionintendo2 (Bolse) 682
Single-Life Runs
Runner Score
StarFalco64 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 1844
adamX0315 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2600
safety_man (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2554
wordsayer19 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2182
Caionintendo2 (CoSYAqZoMaA6V2) 2616